Newly Constructed, Walk to the Ocean 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath House in Lance Aux Epines with a Swimming Pool. PET Friendly: R166
US$4,000 per month ($1,000 per person)
Grenada Rentals Listing: R166
This Newly Constructed, Walk to the Ocean 4 Bedroom 2.5 Bath House is fully furnished and PET Friendly with A/C units in each Bedroom and in the Living Room. Large Open Kitchen, Swimming Pool and a Private Washer and Dryer. The property is fenced and gated with available off-street parking. Located directly on the SGU Bus route in Lance Aux Epines with a 13-15 minute bus ride to Campus. Only a 1 minute walk to the ocean. Water, Wifi, Bi-Weekly Housecleaning and Cooking gas are included. Tenant pays for electricity. Available starting in April 2025 or later. PM for more details or visit our Listings page:
- 110/220 Voltage
- Air conditioning
- Fenced and Gated
- Furnished
- Lawn
- PET Friendly
- Private Patio
- Private Washer/Dryer
- Swimming Pool
- Walk to the Ocean
- Cooking Gas included
- Housecleaning included
- Off-Street Parking
- Water included
- Wifi included